To understand (world) cities requires relational data on cities, which is precisely what ‘state-istics’, the main source of macro-social science data, does not provide. GaWC’s niche has been to fill this lacuna by focussing on inter-city relations, their measurement and their socio-spatial meaning for globalisation.
Selected GaWC datasets are being made available below, together with GaWC datatools to assist in the analysis. Researchers with relational data on (world) cities are invited to post these here.
If you are interested in GaWC data not posted below, such as the most recent world city network data and data from other GaWC projects, please contact us to discuss further.
Protocol for using GaWC data: As part of our mission to promote the study of inter-city relations we wish to encourage people to use the data posted here in their research and teaching. However, we do ask that, as a matter of courtesy bordering on ethics, the research project and the information gatherers are properly acknowledged along with GaWC itself. Each dataset will have a statement as to whom to acknowledge and we ask that this be reproduced in every public use of the data.