Professional services, knowledge, innovation
James Faulconbridge is Professor of Transnational Management at Lancaster University. His research focuses the globalisation and organisation of professional services. After completing his PhD in 2005 at Loughborough University as part the GaWC team, James has completed extensive qualitative research in several professional service sectors including accounting, advertising, architecture, executive search and law. His research has been funded by the UK’s Research Councils, the British Academy, and the US Sloan Foundation. His key contributions focus on the way work is organised in professional service firms through world cities as they globalise and as they incorporate new digital technologies, most recently generative machine learning as a form of artificial intelligence. James is an Editor of the Journal of Economic Geography.
He has published extensively in leading journals, including in Economic Geography, Environment and Planning A, the Journal of Economic Geography, Organization Studies, and Work, Employment and Society. James co-authored the books The Globalization of Advertising (2011, with Jonathan V. Beaverstock, Corinne Nativel and Peter J. Taylor, Routledge) and The Globalization of Executive Search (2015, with Jonathan V. Beaverstock and Sarah Hall, Routledge), and co-edited the books International Business Travel in the Global Economy (2010, with Jonathan V. Beaverstock, Ben Derudder and Frank Witlox, Ashgate) and The Business of Global Cities (2013, with Jonathan V. Beaverstock, Routledge).