GaWC Worlds

Our contemporary world is made up of a myriad of networks. At GaWC, we have chosen to focus on the network of (world) cities because it is the most obvious concrete manifestation of a contemporary space of flows which challenges traditional metageographies. The metageographical image of cities with no sight of physical or political boundaries we call ‘The World According to GaWC’.

We explore these city worlds through our research and collaboration with partners around the globe. Key outcomes are our regularly updated city classifications, the generation of relational inter-city data, and the innovative visualisation of cities in contemporary globalisation.

Cartogram of alpha world cities

Current and past city classifications.

Image with GaWC keywords displayed in a wordcloud, including cities, data, network, global, service, globalization, city, interlocking, matrix, flows, office,relational, attribute, analysis, collection, scale, hierarchy

Relational data on cities – the original raison d’ĂȘtre of GaWC.

Extract from flow map of global inter-city relations

Mapping cities in contemporary globalisation.