Allan Watson

Allan Watson

Creative industries, cultural production, music industry, global media, digital innovation, platforms, emotional labour

Allan Watson is Reader in Economic Geography at Loughborough University, UK. His research interests focus on the economic geographies of the creative and cultural economy, and in particular the music, film and global media industries. Drawing together economic-relational and sociological perspectives on cultural production, labour and innovation, Allan’s recent research has focused on digital innovation in MusicTech and CreaTech, urban economies of music and media production, and platformisation, creative work and emotional labour.

His he is author and editor of a number of books on the creative economy and cities including Cultural Production in and Beyond the Recording Studio (2015, Routledge); Rethinking Creative Cities Policy: Invisible Agents and Hidden Protagonists (2016, with Calvin Taylor, Routledge); Global City Makers (2018, with Michael Hoyler and Christof Parnreiter, Edward Elgar); and Music Cities: Evaluating a Global Cultural Policy Concept (2020, with Christina Ballico, Palgrave Macmillan).