Advanced producer services, financial services clustering, international financial centre network, highly-skilled migration, global talent and inter-city relations
Jonathan V. Beaverstock is Professor of International Management at the University of Bristol (UK) and Visiting Professor of Geography at the University of Ghent (Belgium). He was a major contributor to the creation of GaWC in 1998 with an input focusing on the relationality of advanced producer service firms in economic globalisation. His research contribution advances knowledge of the competitiveness of financial centres and the agency of highly-skilled migrants, ‘global talent mobility’, in the reproduction of world city networks.
His has written on world city financial centres, financial services clustering, and highly-skilled migration (expatriation) as enablers for world city network dynamics, and more recently, how innovation in financial services is driving new geographies of relations between cities. Empirically, his research has been undertaken in London and other European cities, New York, Los Angeles, Singapore and Sydney. He has published in many Geography, Migration and Urban Studies journals (e.g. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, Journal of Economic Geography, Environment and Planning A, Urban Studies), and has written books on the globalisation of knowledge intensive services: The Globalization of Executive Search (2015, with James Faulconbridge and Sarah Hall, Routledge).